在本文中,我们将创建一个无序的集合,并尝试使用内置方法 'Collections.shuffle()' 来对其元素进行洗牌。
SortedSet< element_Type > collection_name = new TreeSet<>();
在这里,element_Type 是包装类,而不是原始数据类型。
这个方法由 'java.util' 包提供,作为一个洗牌器。它接受一个集合作为参数,然后随机重新排列元素。
Collections.shuffle( nameOfcollection );
我们将创建一个名为 'treeSt' 的Tree Set,并使用内置方法 'add()' 存储一些类型为String的元素。
现在,创建一个新的ArrayList并复制之前的Tree Set的所有元素。
import java.util.*; public class Srtset { public static void main(String args[]) { // Creating a tree set SortedSet<String> treeSt = new TreeSet<>(); // Adding elements in the tree set treeSt.add("Tutorix"); treeSt.add("Simply"); treeSt.add("Easy"); treeSt.add("Learning"); treeSt.add("Tutorials"); treeSt.add("Point"); // print elements before shuffling System.out.println("Elements of the given set without performing shuffling: "); System.out.println(treeSt); // storing the elements of tree set in array list List<String> arayList = new ArrayList<>(treeSt); // performing shuffle operation on list Collections.shuffle(arayList); // display the shuffled elements System.out.println("Shuffled elements of the given set: "); System.out.println(arayList); } }
Elements of the given set without performing shuffling: [Easy, Learning, Point, Simply, Tutorials, Tutorix] Shuffled elements of the given set: [Easy, Simply, Learning, Tutorix, Tutorials, Point]
It is a class that is used to implement NavigableMap Interface. It stores the elements of the map in a tree structure. To sort the LinkedHashMap elements we need to use this class. The most obvious reason for this is that it provides an efficient alternative to store the key-value pairs in sorted order.
TreeMap< TypeOfKey, TypeOfValue > nameOfMap = new TreeMap<>();
继续前进,使用方法 'Collections.shuffle()' 来打乱 ArrayList 的元素。
import java.util.*; public class Suffle { public static void main(String args[]) { TreeMap<String, Integer> workers = new TreeMap<>(); // Adding elements in the workers map workers.put("Vaibhav", 4000); workers.put("Ansh", 3000); workers.put("Vivek", 1500); workers.put("Aman", 2000); workers.put("Tapas", 2500); // printing details workers map without shuffle System.out.println("Elements of the map: "); for (String unKey : workers.keySet()) { System.out.println("Name: " + unKey + ", Salary: " + workers.get(unKey)); } // create new ArrayList List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> arayList = new ArrayList<>(workers.entrySet()); Collections.shuffle(arayList); // printing details after shuffling System.out.println("Elements of the newly shuffled map: "); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> print : arayList) { System.out.println("Name: " + print.getKey() + ", Salary: " + print.getValue()); } } }
Elements of the map: Name: Aman, Salary: 2000 Name: Ansh, Salary: 3000 Name: Tapas, Salary: 2500 Name: Vaibhav, Salary: 4000 Name: Vivek, Salary: 1500 Elements of the newly shuffled map: Name: Vaibhav, Salary: 4000 Name: Aman, Salary: 2000 Name: Vivek, Salary: 1500 Name: Ansh, Salary: 3000 Name: Tapas, Salary: 2500