A string is a class of 'java.lang' package that stores a series of characters. Those characters are actually String-type objects. We must enclose the value of string within double quotes. Generally, we can represent characters in lowercase and uppercase in Java. And, it is also possible to convert lowercase characters into uppercase. This article aims to discuss a Java program to convert the first character of each word into uppercase in a string.
Before making a Java program to convert the first lowercase character of a string into uppercase, let's understand the problem statement first with the help of an example −
Input String
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Output string
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The following example demonstrates how we can capitalize the first character of each word in a string.
First, declare and initialize a String. Then, convert that string into a character array using an in-built method named 'toCharArray()'.
In the end, print the result and exit.
public class Capitalize { public static void main(String[] args) { String myinput = "simply easy learning tutorialspoint"; // store each character to a char array char[] charAray = myinput.toCharArray(); System.out.println("Before capitalizing: " + myinput); // for loop to capitalize first letter for(int i = 0; i < charAray.length; i++) { // capitalizing first letter of first word charAray[0] = Character.toUpperCase(charAray[0]); // loop to check if there is space between two letters if(charAray[i] == ' ') { // capitalizing first letter of rest of the word charAray[i+1] = Character.toUpperCase(charAray[i+1]); } } // converting the character array to the string myinput = String.valueOf(charAray); // to print the final result System.out.println("After capitalizing the first letter: " + myinput); } }
Before capitalizing: simply easy learning tutorialspoint After capitalizing the first letter: Simply Easy Learning Tutorialspoint
public class Capitalize { public static void Capital(String myinput) { // user-defined method // store each character to a char array char[] charAray = myinput.toCharArray(); // for loop to capitalize first letter for(int i = 0; i < charAray.length; i++) { // capitalizing first letter of first word charAray[0] = Character.toUpperCase(charAray[0]); // loop to check if there is space between two letters if(charAray[i] == ' ') { // capitalizing first letter of rest of the word charAray[i+1] = Character.toUpperCase(charAray[i+1]); } } // converting the character array to the string myinput = String.valueOf(charAray); // to print the final result System.out.println("After capitalizing the first letter: " + myinput); } public static void main(String[] args) { String myinput = "simply easy learning tutorialspoint"; System.out.println("Before capitalizing: " + myinput); Capital(myinput); // calling the method to capitalize } }
Before capitalizing: simply easy learning tutorialspoint After capitalizing the first letter: Simply Easy Learning Tutorialspoint
在本文中,我们讨论了两种方法来将字符串中每个单词的首字母大写。但是,这两种方法共同的一点是内置方法 'toUpperCase()',它将小写字符转换为大写字符。