Input: Following Linked list : 1->2->3->4->NULL Output: After processing of our function: 4->3->2->1->NULL
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct Node { int data; struct Node* next; Node(int data) { this->data = data; next = NULL; } }; struct LinkedList { Node* head; LinkedList() { head = NULL; } // Function to print linked list void reverse() { auto curr = head; // current pointer Node* prev = NULL; // previous pointer while(curr) { auto temp = curr -> next; curr -> next = prev; prev = curr; head = prev; curr = temp; } } void print() { struct Node* temp = head; while (temp != NULL) { cout << temp->data << " "; temp = temp->next; } } void push(int data) { Node* temp = new Node(data); temp->next = head; head = temp; } }; int main() { LinkedList list; list.push(20); list.push(4); list.push(15); list.push(85); list.print(); list.reverse(); cout << "\n"; list.print(); }
85 15 4 20 20 4 15 85
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct Node { int data; struct Node* next; Node(int data) { this->data = data; next = NULL; } }; struct LinkedList { Node* head; LinkedList() { head = NULL; } // Function to print linked list void reverse() { auto curr = head; // current pointer Node* prev = NULL; // previous pointer stack<Node *> s; while(curr) { s.push(curr); curr = curr -> next; } prev = s.top(); head = prev; s.pop(); while(!s.empty()) { auto temp = s.top(); s.pop(); prev -> next = temp; prev = temp; } prev -> next = NULL; } void print() { struct Node* temp = head; while (temp != NULL) { cout << temp->data << " "; temp = temp->next; } } void push(int data) { Node* temp = new Node(data); temp->next = head; head = temp; } }; int main() { LinkedList list; list.push(20); list.push(4); list.push(15); list.push(85); list.print(); list.reverse(); cout << "\n"; list.print(); }
85 15 4 20 20 4 15 85
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct Node { int data; struct Node* next; Node(int data) { this->data = data; next = NULL; } }; struct LinkedList { Node* head; LinkedList() { head = NULL; } // Function to print linked list void rreverse(Node *curr, Node *prev) { if(curr == NULL) { // prev -> next = curr; head = prev; return; } rreverse(curr -> next, curr); curr -> next = prev; prev -> next = NULL; } void reverse() { auto curr = head; // current pointer Node* prev = NULL; // previous pointer rreverse(curr -> next, curr); } void print() { struct Node* temp = head; while (temp != NULL) { cout << temp->data << " "; temp = temp->next; } } void push(int data) { Node* temp = new Node(data); temp->next = head; head = temp; } }; int main() { LinkedList list; list.push(20); list.push(4); list.push(15); list.push(85); list.print(); list.reverse(); cout << "\n"; list.print(); }
85 15 4 20 20 4 15 85