The following article provides an in depth explanation of the method used to modify a number by toggling its first and last bit using bitwise operators. A bitwise operator is an operator that can be used to manipulate individual bits in binary numbers or bit patterns.
For a given number n, modify the number such that the first and the last bit of the binary expansion of the new number are flipped i.e. if the original bit is 1 then the flipped bit should be 0 and vice versa. All the bits between the first and the last bit should be left unchanged.
Input: 13
Output: 4
The binary expansion of 13 is 1101.
Input: 27
Output: 10
The binary expansion of 27 is 11011.
Hence the output is 10.
Input: 113
Output: 48
The binary expansion of 113 is 1110001.
On toggling the first and the last bit, the expansion becomes 0110000 which is equal to 48.
Hence the output is 48.
This approach makes use of the bitwise XOR and left shift operator. If the corresponding bit of both operands is different, the bitwise XOR operator evaluates to 1; otherwise, it evaluates to 0. We'll employ the bitwise XOR operator's ability to toggle a bit. For instance, if the first bit of the number, n, is 1, then n ^ 1 will cause the number's first bit to be 0. In addition, if the number's first bit is set to 0, the operation n ^ 1 will change it to 1.
要翻转数字n的第一个位,我们计算n ^ 1。它执行一个异或操作,将n的最低有效位或第一个位与1进行反转。
The following steps are performed to implement this approach −
If n = 1, display 0 and return.
Toggle the first bit of the number by taking an XOR of the n with 1.
Display the answer.
Input | Flag | Input ^ Flag |
0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
要切换最低有效位或最左边的位,请执行57 ^ 1,结果为
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The number 111000 is generated.
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Computing XOR now gives us.
0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
函数 toggle_first_bit()
Compute n ^ 1
更新 n
函数 toggle_last_bit()
初始化 r = log2(n)
初始化 k = 1 << r
计算 n ^ k
更新 n
Function main()
初始化 n
如果 (n == 1)
return 0;
Function call toggle_first_bit().
调用函数 toggle_last_bit()。
显示 n.
This program modifies an input number n by toggling the first and the last bit of its binary expansion. It employs bitwise operator XOR and left shift operator to achieve its goal.
// This C++ program toggles the first and the last bit of a number #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; // this function flips the last bit of the number // it uses the concept that a log(n) bits are used in the binary expansion of a number n void toggle_last_bit(int& n){ int r = log2(n); // value of r indicates the count of last bit of n int k; // generate a number with log(n) where only the last bit is 1 using the left shift operator k = 1 << r; n = n ^ k; // toggle the last bit of n by computing n XOR k } // this function flips the first bit of the number by computing n XOR 1 void toggle_first_bit(int& n){ n = n ^ 1; } int main(){ int n = 113; cout << "input number = 113" << endl; if(n == 1){ cout << "0"; return 0; } toggle_first_bit(n); // function call to toggle first bit toggle_last_bit(n); // function call to toggle last bit cout << "Number after Toggle First and Last Bits of a Number: "<<n; return 0; }
input number = 113 Number after Toggle First and Last Bits of a Number: 48
时间复杂度 - O(1),因为该算法始终在常数时间内工作,与输入数字无关。
空间复杂度 - O(1),因为在实现中没有使用辅助空间。