printf 语句的语法。
printf ( “%.<number of decimal place>f”, <floating point number> );
例如,如果我们想要显示一个浮点数变量NUM,保留4位小数,语句将会是这样的 -
printf ( “%.4f”, NUM );
#include <iostream> using namespace std; void solve( float number) { printf ( "%.3f", number ); } int main(){ cout << "Number 45.278586 up to 3 decimal places: "; solve( 45.278586 ); }
Number 45.278586 up to 3 decimal places: 45.279
定义set precision()方法
include <iomanip> std::cout << std::fixed; std::cout << std::setprecision( <number of decimal places> ); std::cout << The_floating_point_number;
例如,如果我们想要显示一个浮点数变量NUM,保留4位小数,语句将会是这样的 -
include <iomanip> std::cout << std::fixed; std::cout << std::setprecision( 4 ); std::cout << NUM;
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void solve( float number, int place) { cout << fixed; cout << setprecision( place ); cout << number << endl; } int main(){ cout << "Number 45.278586 up to 3 decimal places: "; solve( 45.278586, 3); cout << "Number 45.278586 up to 4 decimal places: "; solve( 45.278586, 4); cout << "Number 45.278586 up to 5 decimal places: "; solve( 45.278586, 5); }
Number 45.278586 up to 3 decimal places: 45.279 Number 45.278586 up to 4 decimal places: 45.2786 Number 45.278586 up to 5 decimal places: 45.27859
这是一种理想的表示小数点后n位数的方法。有时候当n = 0时,我们可以使用另一种方法来四舍五入。这将把数字转换为整数。具体方法如下所示 −
“cmath”库有一个 round() 方法将数字转换为其最接近的整数。所以这是将浮点数转换为小数点后 0 位。语法如下。
使用 round() 方法
include <cmath> float res = round ( <floating point number> );
include <cmath> float res = round ( 45.254 ); std::cout << res;
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void solve( float number) { float res; res = round ( number ); cout << res << endl; } int main(){ cout << "Number 45.278586 to its nearest integer: "; solve( 45.278586 ); cout << "Number 89.7854 to its nearest integer: "; solve( 89.7854 ); cout << "Number -45.69 to its nearest integer: "; solve( -45.69 ); }
Number 45.278586 to its nearest integer: 45 Number 89.7854 to its nearest integer: 90 Number -45.69 to its nearest integer: -46
当我们用 C++ 编写代码时,表示最多 n 位小数的浮点数的方法很少。最基本的方法是使用 printf() 方法和格式化字符串。但是,对于此方法,无法动态更改格式字符串小数位。为了处理这个问题,C++ iomanip 库有 set precision() 方法,该方法获取浮点数四舍五入的小数位数。有时我们需要将浮点数舍入为最接近的整数(小数点后 0 位),在这种情况下,我们可以使用 C++ 中 cmath 库中的 round() 方法。