function show_page(cur_pc) { var cp=cur_pc; //curent page count var tp=this.p; //total page count var sp=this.pc; //show page count var bp; //begin page count var ep; //end page count if(sp%2==0) sp=sp+1; //this process need an odd number var dp=Math.floor(sp/2); //each side count to show var dif=tp-sp; //check weather it have enough page to make mid-show var f=cp-dp; //to check weather it has enough page to make mid-show from the begin var g=tp-(cp+dp); //to check weather it has enough page to make mid-show from the end if(sp && dif>=0) { if(g>0) { if(f>0) { bp=f; ep=cp+dp; } else { bp=1; ep=2*dp+1; } } else { bp=tp-2*dp; ep=tp; } } else { bp=1; ep=tp; } var buf=[]; for(var i=bp;i<=ep;i++) { if(i==cur_pc) { buf.push("<a href='javascript:;' class='current'>",i,"</a>"); } else { buf.push("<a href='javascript:;' class='normal'>",i,"</a>"); } } document.write(buf); }
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