本文档使用 PHP中文网手册 发布
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
ftp_fput — 上传一个已经打开的文件到 FTP 服务器
, string $remote_file
, resource $handle
, int $mode
[, int $startpos
= 0
] )ftp_fput() 函数用来上传一个在已经打开的文件中的数据到 FTP 服务器。
FTP 连接的链接标识符。
传输模式只能为 (文本模式) FTP_ASCII
(二进制模式) FTP_BINARY
成功时返回 TRUE
, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
Example #1 ftp_fput() 例子
// open some file for reading
$file = 'somefile.txt' ;
$fp = fopen ( $file , 'r' );
// set up basic connection
$conn_id = ftp_connect ( $ftp_server );
// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login ( $conn_id , $ftp_user_name , $ftp_user_pass );
// try to upload $file
if ( ftp_fput ( $conn_id , $file , $fp , FTP_ASCII )) {
echo "Successfully uploaded $file \n" ;
} else {
echo "There was a problem while uploading $file \n" ;
// close the connection and the file handler
ftp_close ( $conn_id );
fclose ( $fp );
版本 | 说明 |
4.3.0 | 添加了 startpos 的支持。
[#1] roy at user dot nl [2013-04-29 08:22:09]
For directly inserting content into a file on an FTP host, you could also create a string stream wich streams directly to the ftp_fput function.
This should create less overhead than first writing to any temp directories locally before streaming, as suggested here.
$string = "Your content goes here";
$stream = fopen('data://text/plain,' . $string,'r');
ftp_fput($this->connection,$pathTo,$stream, FTP_BINARY);
[#2] php at cpis dot me [2012-05-11 14:32:53]
This might be obvious to most of you, but make sure your stream isn't write-only. It has to be able to read from your stream in order to upload its contents.
Took me a while trying to figure out why my uploaded file was 0B, and that was why.
[#3] jevin [2011-11-22 23:24:25]
You might also want to note that ftp_fput will overwrite any existing file.
[#4] timgolding_10 at hotmail dot com [2009-04-26 07:48:53]
If when using fput you get the one of the following errors:
Warning: ftp_fput() [function.ftp-fput]: Opening ASCII mode data connection
Warning: ftp_fput() [function.ftp-fput]: Opening BINARY mode data connection
and it creates the file in the correct location but is a 0kb file and all FTP commands thereafter fail. It is likely that the client is behind a firewall. To rectify this use:
ftp_pasv($resource, true);
Before executing any put commands. Took me so long to figure this out I actually cheered when I did :D
[#5] rok dot meglic at gmail dot com [2008-11-07 04:35:12]
Make sure you chdir to remote directory before using ftp_put or else ftp_put will just return error that it cannot create file. After you do the chdir you should NOT pass the whole path of file to ftp_put but just basename (filename). See example for more info.
$locpath = 'local_path/resources/js/test.js';
$rempath = 'resources/js/';
$remFile = 'test.js';
ftp_chdir($this->conn_id, $rempath);
ftp_put($this->conn_id, $remFile, $locpath, FTP_BINARY);
[#6] robert b [2008-09-12 14:43:31]
Using jopi paranoid fi's example, tmpfile() works on PHP 4 and 5 instead of using the php://temp file.
[#7] jopi paranoid fi [2008-05-20 00:57:52]
When you have your file contents as a string, create temporary stream and use that as a file handle.
$contents = "This is a test file\nTesting 1,2,3..";
$tempHandle = fopen('php://temp', 'r+');
fwrite($tempHandle, $contents);
ftp_fput($this->ftp, $filename, $tempHandle, FTP_ASCII);
[#8] Charlie Brown [2008-04-16 14:19:24]
Fails if destination file exists. Delete first and it works.
[#9] info at daniel-marschall dot de [2006-04-19 12:04:30]
This is a function i wrote to copy a complete directory to a FTP-Server-folder.
function ftp_uploaddirectory($conn_id, $local_dir, $remote_dir)
@ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $remote_dir);
$handle = opendir($local_dir);
while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false)
if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..'))
if (is_dir($local_dir.$file))
ftp_uploaddirectory($conn_id, $local_dir.$file.'/', $remote_dir.$file.'/');
$f[] = $file;
if (count($f))
@ftp_chdir($conn_id, $remote_dir);
foreach ($f as $files)
$from = @fopen("$local_dir$files", 'r');
@ftp_fput($conn_id, $files, $from, FTP_BINARY);
$conn_id = @ftp_connect($server);
@ftp_login ($conn_id, $username, $passwort);
ftp_uploaddirectory($conn_id, 'mydirectory/', 'theftpdirectory/');
I hope you'll find it useful.
[#10] darian lassan at yahoo de [2003-02-04 10:00:17]
If you want to pass a string containing the filename as source and not a resource handle use ftp_put() instead. Trivial but not mentioned here.