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(PECL pecl_http >= 0.10.0)
HttpRequest::send — Send request
Send the HTTP request.
While an exception may be thrown, the transfer could have succeeded at least partially, so you might want to check the return values of various HttpRequest::getResponse*() methods.
Returns the received response as HttpMessage object.
Throws HttpRuntimeException, HttpRequestException, HttpMalformedHeaderException, HttpEncodingException.
Example #1 GET example
$r = new HttpRequest ( 'http://example.com/feed.rss' , HttpRequest :: METH_GET );
$r -> setOptions (array( 'lastmodified' => filemtime ( 'local.rss' )));
$r -> addQueryData (array( 'category' => 3 ));
try {
$r -> send ();
if ( $r -> getResponseCode () == 200 ) {
file_put_contents ( 'local.rss' , $r -> getResponseBody ());
} catch ( HttpException $ex ) {
echo $ex ;
Example #2 POST example
$r = new HttpRequest ( 'http://example.com/form.php' , HttpRequest :: METH_POST );
$r -> setOptions (array( 'cookies' => array( 'lang' => 'de' )));
$r -> addPostFields (array( 'user' => 'mike' , 'pass' => 's3c|r3t' ));
$r -> addPostFile ( 'image' , 'profile.jpg' , 'image/jpeg' );
try {
echo $r -> send ()-> getBody ();
} catch ( HttpException $ex ) {
echo $ex ;
[#1] cybd at bigmir dot net [2013-07-26 08:29:47]
There is a typo in Lymber's comment.
Instead of
$httpRequest_OBJ->setContentType = 'Content-Type: text/xml';
[#2] elio dot cuevas at ge dot com [2010-06-23 10:48:10]
The HttpRequest class does support redirects, but it's disabled by default. To enable redirect do something like this:
// Set number of redirects to a reasonable number.
$r->setOptions(array('redirect' => 10));
[#3] Lymber [2010-01-18 21:22:03]
Example how to use HttpRequest to post data and receive the response:
//set up variables
$theData = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
<heading>php http request</heading>
<body>i love php!</body>
$url = 'http://www.example.com';
$credentials = 'user@example.com:password';
$header_array = array('Expect' => '',
'From' => 'User A');
$ssl_array = array('version' => SSL_VERSION_SSLv3);
$options = array(headers => $header_array,
httpauth => $credentials,
httpauthtype => HTTP_AUTH_BASIC,
protocol => HTTP_VERSION_1_1,
ssl => $ssl_array);
//create the httprequest object
$httpRequest_OBJ = new httpRequest($url, HTTP_METH_POST, $options);
//add the content type
$httpRequest_OBJ->setContentType = 'Content-Type: text/xml';
//add the raw post data
$httpRequest_OBJ->setRawPostData ($theData);
//send the http request
$result = $httpRequest_OBJ->send();
//print out the result
echo "<pre>"; print_r($result); echo "</pre>";
[#4] mjs at beebo dot org [2009-04-01 16:27:30]
Note that send() does not process redirects, and there doesn't appear to any way to get this to happen automatically. If you need to follow redirects, use something like the following code:
$request = new HttpRequest($url, HTTP_METH_GET);
do {
$response = $request->send();
if ($response->getResponseCode() != 301 && $response->getResponseCode() != 302) break;
} while (1);