本文档使用 PHP中文网手册 发布
(PECL pecl_http >= 0.10.0)
http_put_file — Perform PUT request with file
, string $file
[, array $options
[, array &$info
]] )Performs an HTTP PUT request on the supplied url.
请查阅完整的 request 选项组 列表。
The file to put
request 选项组
成功时用字符串返回 HTTP 响应,失败时返回 FALSE
[#1] D'n Russler d_n att CatchMedia dott com [2010-08-30 04:13:47]
After much frustration and very little documentation that I could find, I thought I'd offer this example of implementation of http_put_file with custom HTTP headers, and the corresponding ReceiveFile.php.
I do an http put with a customized header containing parameters for file processing.
$header = array(
'file_size' => $file_size
, 'file_name' => $file_name
, 'md5sum' => $md5sum
$URI = 'http://MyDomain.com/ReceiveFile.php';
if (($f = @fopen($URI,'r'))) {
if ($result = @http_put_file($URI, $file_path, array(
headers => array(
'X_CUSTOM_PUT_JSON' => json_encode($header)
,'X_FRUIT' => 'bananna'
, useragent => 'Magic UnitTests'
, $info))) {
echo str_replace("\n",'<BR>',$result);
echo 'http failure';
echo "Can't find URI: [$URI]";
ReceiveFile.php has:
$CHUNK = 8192;
try {
if (!($putData = fopen("php://input", "r")))
throw new Exception ("Can't get PUT data.");
if (!(array_key_exists($CUSTOM_HEADER, $_SERVER)))
throw new Exception ("Custom header missing.")
$json = json_decode($_SERVER[$CUSTOM_HEADER], true);
$this->logParams(__FUNCTION__, $json);
foreach ($json as $fld => $val)
$$fld = $val;
// now the params can be used like any other variable
// see below after input has finished
$tot_write = 0;
// Create a temp file
if (!($tmpFileName = tempnam("/tmp", "PUT_FILE_")))
throw new Exception ("Can't create tmp file.");
// Open the file for writing
if (!($fp = fopen($tmpFileName, "w")))
throw new Exception ("Can't write to tmp file");
// Read the data a chunk at a time and write to the file
while ($data = fread($putData, $CHUNK)) {
$chunk_read = strlen($data);
if (($block_write = fwrite($fp, $data)) != $chunk_read)
throw new Exception ("Can't write more to tmp file");
$tot_write += $block_write;
if ( ! fclose($fp) )
throw new Exception ("Can't close tmp file");
// Check file length and MD5
if ($tot_write != $file_size)
throw new Exception ("Wrong file size");
$md5_arr = explode(' ',exec("md5sum $tmpFileName"));
$md5 = $md5sum_arr[0];
if ($md5 != $md5sum)
throw new Exception ("Wrong md5");