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(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)
ldap_sort — Sort LDAP result entries
, resource $result
, string $sortfilter
)Sort the result of a LDAP search, returned by ldap_search() .
An LDAP link identifier, returned by ldap_connect() .
An search result identifier, returned by ldap_search() .
The attribute to use as a key in the sort.
Sorting the result of a search.
Example #1 LDAP sort
// $ds is a valid link identifier (see ldap_connect)
$dn = 'ou=example,dc=org' ;
$filter = '(|(sn=Doe*)(givenname=John*))' ;
$justthese = array( 'ou' , 'sn' , 'givenname' , 'mail' );
$sr = ldap_search ( $ds , $dn , $filter , $justthese );
// Sort
ldap_sort ( $ds , $sr , 'sn' );
// Retrieving the data
$info = ldap_get_entries ( $ds , $sr );
[#1] thorben at kapp-hamburg dot de [2011-01-07 04:46:40]
I wondered how to sort after a dn, for just show a tree view. I tried to set $sortfilter = 'dn', but that didn't work. Than I tried with a blank string ''. That worked, the entries are sorted by dn.
[#2] ben at xsusio dot com [2004-09-03 14:33:33]
If you are wanting to sort by multiple attributes, for instance ordering by last name and then first name, try this function. This is similar to "ORDER BY lastname, firstname" in SQL.
This function uses an insertion sort algorithm, which is somewhat faster then the old-fashoned bubble sort. The second argument is an array containing the attributes you want to sort by. (this functon won't do descending or ascending.. feel free to add it!)
function ldap_multi_sort(&$entries, $attribs){
for ($i=1; $i<$entries['count']; $i++){
$index = $entries[$i];
do {
//create comparison variables from attributes:
$a = $b = null;
foreach($attribs as $attrib){
$a .= $entries[$j-1][$attrib][0];
$b .= $index[$attrib][0];
// do the comparison
if ($a > $b){
$is_greater = true;
$entries[$j] = $entries[$j-1];
$j = $j-1;
$is_greater = false;
} while ($j>0 && $is_greater);
$entries[$j] = $index;
return $entries;
[#3] zbaizman at yahoo dot com [2004-08-06 18:15:43]
This note may be self-evident, but the functionality of ldap_sort threw off this sometime user of relational databases.
The following code will NOT do what you expect:
// omitted calls to connect and and bind to LDAP server...
// attributes we want to retrieve from LDAP server
$ldap_attributes = array ( 'cn', 'o', 'mail' ) ;
// retrieve attributes from matching entries
$search_results = ldap_search ( $ldap_conn, 'dc=example,dc=org', '(objectclass=*)', 0, 500, 30 ) ;
// sort entries by last name ('sn')
ldap_sort ( $ldap_conn, $search_results, 'sn' ) ;
The entries will NOT be sorted by last name. Why not? Because LDAP doesn't function like a RDBMS; you cannot sort a result set on an arbitrary field, regardless of whether you "selected" it. You must always include the attribute by which you want to sort your entries among the requested attributes (add 'sn' to $ldap_attributes, in this case).
Hope this is helpful to some other folks who scratched their heads when they tried to sort entries and it didn't work out...
[#4] askgopal at sify dot com [2003-09-04 08:07:58]
Here's a simple LDAP sort function I wrote:
function sort_ldap_entries($e, $fld, $order)
for ($i = 0; $i < $e['count']; $i++) {
for ($j = $i; $j < $e['count']; $j++) {
$d = strcasecmp($e[$i][$fld][0], $e[$j][$fld][0]);
switch ($order) {
case 'A':
if ($d > 0)
swap($e, $i, $j);
case 'D':
if ($d < 0)
swap($e, $i, $j);
return ($e);
function swap(&$ary, $i, $j)
$temp = $ary[$i];
$ary[$i] = $ary[$j];
$ary[$j] = $temp;
so that it can be invoked like:
$entries = sort_ldap_entries($entries, 'mail', 'A'); // sort entries by ascending order of mail
`$entries' is the array returned by ldap_get_entries() function.
This might be useful to those who still run older versions of PHP (<= 4.2.0) on their web servers :-)
[#5] jason dot sokolowski at rotork dot com [2002-09-06 13:51:35]
Something real simple i wrote to sort directory searches by a persons last name.
$lastname = $result[$i]["sn"][0];
}//for i
[#6] matthew dot j dot gray at uwrf dot edu [2002-06-25 14:47:48]
This function applies strcmp() to each attribute (given by sortfilter) in order to sort the entries returned by the server. To order search results ascending by last name, try passing "sn" as the sortfilter argument. This function does not play nice with multi-valued attributes.