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(PHP 5 >= 5.1.2, PECL xmlwriter >= 0.1.0)
XMLWriter::writeComment -- xmlwriter_write_comment — Write full comment tag
, string $content
)Writes a full comment.
仅用于过程调用。被修改的 XMLWriter resource 。此资源来自于对 xmlwriter_open_uri() 或 xmlwriter_open_memory() 的调用。
The contents of the comment.
成功时返回 TRUE
, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
[#1] thewrs at gmail dot com [2007-12-05 14:37:48]
This will write a XML <!----> style comment to your XMLWriter resource.
Strings up to 50 characters long are displayed on a single line with no spacing between the tags.
Anything above 50 characters will show on multiple formatted lines. Using the \n metacharater inserts a newline and maintains indenting.