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[#1] leeyuiwah at NOSPAM dot hknet dot com [2007-11-22 14:24:26]
Please note that the manual is a little bit misleading when providing references. The sourceforge URL cited
(i.e. http://sourceforge.net/projects/cracklib) is the homepage of cracklib the enabler (upon which other things build), NOT the crack PECL extension. If you are a PHP user looking for the crack PECL extension, you should NOT download from sourceforge. Instead, you should download from the PECL homepage (http://pecl.php.net). When you are there, search for "crack" not "cracklib".
[#2] Martin [2007-06-05 09:08:13]
For those of you not familiar with the CrackLib Library:
CrackLib (or PHP Crack) can not cope with plaintext wordlists.
You have to generate a binary version of any plaintext list first.
After you have done this you get 3 files with different extensions:
crack_opendict() must be called with the first argument describing the path and base filename of the binary wordlist, e.g. C:\....\my_list or /usr/local/... (see below)
Now the bad news - how to generate the 3 files:
The only way i managed to do it:
o Download the CrackLib package from sourceforge (see link in php.net txt)
o run configure
o run make all
o run make install
o run make dict (having the wordlists in the /dict directory)
o look for the files in /usr/local/share/cracklib/
o copy the files in a convenient directory
That's it.