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(PECL PDO_SQLITE >= 0.2.0)
PDO_SQLITE DSN — Connecting to SQLite databases
The PDO_SQLITE Data Source Name (DSN) is composed of the following elements:
The DSN prefix is sqlite:
To access a database on disk, append the absolute path to the DSN prefix.
To create a database in memory, append :memory: to the DSN prefix.
The SQLite extension in PHP 5.1 provides a PDO driver that supports accessing and creating SQLite 2 databases. This enables you to access databases you may have created with the SQLite extension in previous versions of PHP.
The sqlite2 driver is only available in PHP 5.1.x if you have enabled both PDO and ext/sqlite. It is not currently available via PECL.
The DSN prefix for connecting to SQLite 2 databases is
To access a database on disk, append the absolute path to the DSN prefix.
To create a database in memory, append :memory: to the DSN prefix.
Example #1 PDO_SQLITE DSN examples
The following examples show PDO_SQLITE DSN for connecting to SQLite databases:
sqlite:/opt/databases/mydb.sq3 sqlite::memory: sqlite2:/opt/databases/mydb.sq2 sqlite2::memory:
[#1] frederic dot glorieux at diple dot net [2011-08-10 15:20:56]
In memory sqlite has some limitations. The memory space could be the request, the session, but no way seems documented to share a base in memory among users.
For a request, open your base with the code
$pdo = new PDO( 'sqlite::memory:');
and your base will disapear on next request.
For session persistency
$pdo = new PDO(
array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true)
[#2] FST777 [2008-04-21 05:27:56]
@ Fatmoon
That is correct. SQLite sometimes uses additional files in the same folder while writing to the DB. These files can sometimes be seen and usually contain the name of your DB and the word 'journal' in their filename.
Security wise, it might be a good idea to store the SQLite databases in a seperate folder to shield the rest from user www.
[#3] Fatmoon [2008-04-20 19:42:38]
It seems that the directory that contains your sqlite database must be writeable by the web server. Making just the file writeable won't work.
[#4] rick [2006-10-30 10:51:58]
Don't forget "extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll" has to be enabled in php.ini (if you use xampp is will be disabled by default) .