本文档使用 PHP中文网手册 发布
(PHP 5, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)
oci_close — 关闭 Oracle 连接
) oci_close() 将 Oracle 连接
自版本 1.1 起 oci_close() 正确关闭 Oracle 连接。使用 oci8.old_oci_close_semantics 选项来恢复本函数的旧行为。
成功时返回 TRUE
, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
在 PHP 5.0.0 之前的版本必须使用 ocilogoff() 替代本函数。该函数名仍然可用,为向下兼容作为 oci_close() 的别名。不过其已被废弃,不推荐使用。
An Oracle connection identifier returned by oci_connect() , oci_pconnect() , or oci_new_connect() .
成功时返回 TRUE
, 或者在失败时返回 FALSE
Example #1 Closing a connection
Resources associated with a connection should be closed to ensure the underlying database connection is properly terminated and the database resources are released.
$conn = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (! $conn ) {
$e = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $e [ 'message' ], ENT_QUOTES ), E_USER_ERROR );
$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , 'SELECT * FROM departments' );
$r = oci_execute ( $stid );
oci_fetch_all ( $stid , $res );
var_dump ( $res );
// Free the statement identifier when closing the connection
oci_free_statement ( $stid );
oci_close ( $conn );
Example #2 Database connections are not closed until all references are closed
The internal refcount of a connection identifier must be zero before the underlying connection to the database is closed.
$conn = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (! $conn ) {
$e = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $e [ 'message' ], ENT_QUOTES ), E_USER_ERROR );
$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , 'SELECT * FROM departments' ); // this increases the refcount on $conn
oci_execute ( $stid );
oci_fetch_all ( $stid , $res );
var_dump ( $res );
oci_close ( $conn );
// $conn is no long usable in the script but the underlying database
// connection is still held open until $stid is freed.
var_dump ( $conn ); // prints NULL
// While PHP sleeps, querying the Oracle V$SESSION view in a
// terminal window will show that the database user is still connected.
sleep ( 10 );
// When $stid is freed, the database connection is physically closed
oci_free_statement ( $stid );
// While PHP sleeps, querying the Oracle V$SESSION view in a
// terminal window will show that the database user has disconnected.
sleep ( 10 );
Example #3 Closing a connection opened more than once
When database credentials are reused, both connections must be closed before the underlying database connection is closed.
$conn1 = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
// Using the same credentials reuses the same underlying database connection
// Any uncommitted changes done on $conn1 will be visible in $conn2
$conn2 = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'welcome' , 'localhost/XE' );
// While PHP sleeps, querying the Oracle V$SESSION view in a
// terminal window will show that only one database user is connected.
sleep ( 10 );
oci_close ( $conn1 ); // doesn't close the underlying database connection
var_dump ( $conn1 ); // prints NULL because the variable $conn1 is no longer usable
var_dump ( $conn2 ); // displays that $conn2 is still a valid connection resource
Example #4 Connections are closed when variables go out of scope
When all variables referencing a connection go out of scope and are freed by PHP, a rollback occurs (if necessary) and the underlying connection to the database is closed.
function myfunc () {
$conn = oci_connect ( 'hr' , 'hrpwd' , 'localhost/XE' );
if (! $conn ) {
$e = oci_error ();
trigger_error ( htmlentities ( $e [ 'message' ], ENT_QUOTES ), E_USER_ERROR );
$stid = oci_parse ( $conn , 'UPDATE mytab SET id = 100' );
oci_execute ( $stid , OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT );
return "Finished" ;
$r = myfunc ();
// At this point a rollback occurred and the underlying database connection was released.
print $r ; // displays the function return value "Finished"
Variables that have a dependency on the connection identifier, such as statement identifiers returned by oci_parse() , must also be freed before the underlying database connection is closed.
Prior to version PHP 5.1.2 (PECL OCI8 1.1) oci_close() was a no-op. In more recent versions it correctly closes the Oracle connection. Use oci8.old_oci_close_semantics option to restore old behavior of this function.
The oci_close() function does not close the underlying database connections created with oci_pconnect() .
In PHP versions before 5.0.0 you must use ocilogoff() instead. 在当前版本中,旧的函数名还可以被使用,但已经被废弃并不建议使用。
[#1] Fahd Alwashmi (F-A-W) [2012-03-10 08:22:33]
please note, you can use oci_close() to close persistent connections opened with oci_pconnect() in PHP ver 5.3 or above.
as stated in here:
[#2] yepster at hotmail dot com [2002-02-16 10:21:40]
For using persistent connections && being able to sleep, I use:
function close_db_locks_on_abort( ) {
global $conn;
if( connection_aborted() ) {
$fp = fopen( "/tmp/shutdown-func.txt", "a" );
fwrite( $fp, sprintf( "connection aborted on %s\n", date( "d-m-Y H:i:s" ) ) );
if( $conn ) {
OCIRollBack( $conn );
fwrite( $fp, sprintf( "-- DURING CONNECTION! ip=%s, user=%s, page=%s\n", $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"], $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] ) );
fclose( $fp );
register_shutdown_function ( "close_db_locks_on_abort" );
This makes sure a rollback is done on a connection when a user hits 'stop', so there will be no locks on table rows.