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(PHP 4, PHP 5)
bindec — 二进制转换为十进制
bindec() 将一个二进制数转换成 integer ,或者出于大小的需要,转换为 float 类型。
bindec() 将所有的
bindec() 函数将其最高有效位视为数量级而非符号位。
版本 | 说明 |
4.1.0 | 本函数如今可以转换超过程序运行平台中 integer 类型最大值的数,此时其值会返回为 float 类型。 |
Example #1 bindec() 例子
echo bindec ( '110011' ) . "\n" ;
echo bindec ( '000110011' ) . "\n" ;
echo bindec ( '111' );
51 51 7
Example #2 bindec() 将输入解读为无符号整数
$magnitude_lower = pow ( 2 , ( PHP_INT_SIZE * 8 ) - 2 );
p ( $magnitude_lower - 1 );
p ( $magnitude_lower , 'See the rollover? Watch it next time around...' );
p (~ PHP_INT_MAX , 'interpreted to be one more than PHP_INT_MAX' );
if ( PHP_INT_SIZE == 4 ) {
$note = 'interpreted to be the largest unsigned integer' ;
} else {
$note = 'interpreted to be the largest unsigned integer
(18446744073709551615) but skewed by float precision' ;
p (- 1 , $note );
function p ( $input , $note = '' ) {
echo "input: $input \n" ;
$format = '%0' . ( PHP_INT_SIZE * 8 ) . 'b' ;
$bin = sprintf ( $format , $input );
echo "binary: $bin \n" ;
ini_set ( 'precision' , 20 ); // For readability on 64 bit boxes.
$dec = bindec ( $bin );
echo 'bindec(): ' . $dec . "\n" ;
if ( $note ) {
echo "NOTE: $note \n" ;
echo "\n" ;
以上例程在 32 位机器上的输出:
input: 1073741823 binary: 00111111111111111111111111111111 bindec(): 1073741823input: 1073741824 binary: 01000000000000000000000000000000 bindec(): 1073741824 NOTE: See the rollover? Watch it next time around...input: 2147483647 binary: 01111111111111111111111111111111 bindec(): 2147483647 NOTE: PHP_INT_MAXinput: -2147483648 binary: 10000000000000000000000000000000 bindec(): 2147483648 NOTE: interpreted to be one more than PHP_INT_MAXinput: -1 binary: 11111111111111111111111111111111 bindec(): 4294967295 NOTE: interpreted to be the largest unsigned integer
以上例程在 64 位机器上的输出:
input: 4611686018427387903 binary: 0011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 bindec(): 4611686018427387903input: 4611686018427387904 binary: 0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bindec(): 4611686018427387904 NOTE: See the rollover? Watch it next time around...input: 9223372036854775807 binary: 0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 bindec(): 9223372036854775807 NOTE: PHP_INT_MAXinput: -9223372036854775808 binary: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 bindec(): 9223372036854775808 NOTE: interpreted to be one more than PHP_INT_MAXinput: -1 binary: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 bindec(): 18446744073709551616 NOTE: interpreted to be the largest unsigned integer (18446744073709551615) but skewed by float precision
[#1] patrick dot boens at latosensu dot be [2012-07-15 13:14:02]
Left-shift a string by a number of bytes
function STR_shl( $szStr,$nBits )
if ( $nBits < 1 || $nBits > 7 )
return ( $szStr );
if ( ( $iLength = strlen( $szStr ) ) <= 0 )
return ( $szStr );
$szRetVal = '';
$szBits = STR_Binary( $szStr );
$szLostBits = STR_Left( $szBits,$nBits );
$szShifted = substr( $szBits,$nBits ) . $szLostBits;
for ( $i = 0;$i < $iLength;$i++ )
$szRetVal .= chr( bindec( substr( $szShifted,$i * 8,8 ) ) );
return ( $szRetVal );
Right-shift a string by a number of bytes
function STR_shr( $szStr,$nBits )
if ( $nBits < 1 || $nBits > 7 )
return ( $szStr );
if ( ( $iLength = strlen( $szStr ) ) <= 0 )
return ( $szStr );
$szRetVal = '';
$szBits = STR_Binary( $szStr );
$szLostBits = STR_Right( $szBits,$nBits );
$szShifted = $szLostBits . substr( $szBits,0,-$nBits );
for ( $i = 0;$i < $iLength;$i++ )
$szRetVal .= chr( bindec( substr( $szShifted,$i * 8,8 ) ) );
return ( $szRetVal );
Additional functions used by the two preceding:
function STR_Binary( $szStr )
$szRetVal = '';
if ( ( $iLength = strlen( $szStr ) ) > 0 )
for ( $i = 0; $i < $iLength;$i++ )
$szRetVal .= sprintf( '%08b',ord( $szStr[$i] ) );
return ( $szRetVal );
function STR_Left( $szStr,$iCount = 1 )
return substr( $szStr,0,$iCount );
function STR_Right( $szString,$iCount )
return substr( $szString,0 + strlen( $szString ) - $iCount,$iCount );
[#2] info at rickdg dot nl [2010-04-01 04:40:51]
Two functions to convert 16bit or 8bit binary to integer using two's complement. If input exceeds maximum bits, false is returned. Function is easily scalable to x bits by changing the hexadecimals.
<?php function _bin16dec($bin) {
// Function to convert 16bit binary numbers to integers using two's complement
$num = bindec($bin);
if($num > 0xFFFF) { return false; }
if($num >= 0x8000) {
return -(($num ^ 0xFFFF)+1);
} else {
return $num;
function _bin8dec($bin) {
// Function to convert 8bit binary numbers to integers using two's complement
$num = bindec($bin);
if($num > 0xFF) { return false; }
if($num >= 0x80) {
return -(($num ^ 0xFF)+1);
} else {
return $num;
} ?>
[#3] Nitrogen [2009-07-21 07:27:39]
Binary to Decimal conversion using the BCMath extension..
function BCBin2Dec($Input='') {
if(preg_match("/^[01]+$/",$Input)) {
This will simply convert from Base-2 to Base-10 using BCMath (arbitrary precision calculation).
See also: my 'BCDec2Bin' function on the 'decbin' document.
[#4] nodarinodo at mail dot ru [2009-01-08 11:51:13]
// bindecfunc :)))) I think it works well too :)
function bindecc($str)
$str = str_replace(" ", "", $str);
$strr = preg_match('/[^01]/', $str);
if($strr == 1) { return "<b> Error ! only 1 and 0;</b>"; }
$strsig = strlen($str);
$strr1 = strrev($str);
$strf = '';
for($i = $strsig; $i >= 0; $i--)
$strf += ($strr1[$i] * pow(2, $i));
#$strf += $str[$i];
return $strf;
[#5] flashpack at gmail dot com [2008-11-16 04:40:28]
for converting fractions :
eg : 1001.1101
function BinaryToDecimal($binary){
if (strstr($binary,'.')){
for ($i=1; $i<=$num;$i++){
if ($digits[$i-1]>1){
echo '<script>alert("Enter Binary Digits Only {0,1}\n \n eg: 11001 or 11001.011");history.go(-1)</script> ';
foreach($splits as $digits){
if ($digits>1){
echo '<script>alert("Enter Binary Digits Only {0,1}\n \n eg: 11001 or 11001.011");history.go(-1)</script> ';
}else {
return $result ;
[#6] mashematician at gmail dot com [2008-03-13 08:57:42]
A binary to decimal conversion function that takes advantage of the BC library functions to return decimal values of arbitrary length.
Input type must be a string in order to work properly.
function binary_to_decimal($a) {
$bin_array = str_split($a);
for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($bin_array)-1; $x++) {
if ($bin_array[$x] == 1) {
$bin_array[$x] = bcpow(2, $y);
for ($z=0; $z<sizeof($bin_array); $z++) {
$result = bcadd($result, $bin_array[$z]);
echo $result;
[#7] alan hogan dot com slash contact [2007-11-09 01:34:14]
The "smartbindec" function I wrote below will convert any binary string (of a reasonable size) to decimal. It will use two's complement if the leftmost bit is 1, regardless of bit length. If you are getting unexpected negative answers, try zero-padding your strings with sprintf("%032s", $yourBitString).
function twoscomp($bin) {
$out = "";
$mode = "init";
for($x = strlen($bin)-1; $x >= 0; $x--) {
if ($mode != "init")
$out = ($bin[$x] == "0" ? "1" : "0").$out;
else {
if($bin[$x] == "1") {
$out = "1".$out;
$mode = "invert";
$out = "0".$out;
return $out;
function smartbindec($bin) {
if($bin[0] == 1)
return -1 * bindec(twoscomp($bin));
else return (int) bindec($bin);
[#8] gwbdome at freenet dot de [2004-08-19 14:43:03]
i think a better method than the "shift-method" is my method ^^...
here it comes:
function convert2bin($string) {
if(preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $string)) {
for($i=0; $string!=chr($i); $i++);
else $dec_nr=$string;
while($dec_nr>$base) {
if($base>$dec_nr) {
while(!$finished) {
if(($dec_nr-$base)>0) {
elseif(($dec_nr-$base)<0) {
elseif(($dec_nr-$base)==0) {
while($base>1) {
return $bin_nr;
if you want to reconvert it (from binary to string or integer) you can use this function:
function reconvert($bin_nr) {
$bin_nr=explode(",", preg_replace("/(.*),/", "$1", str_replace("1", "1,", str_replace("0", "0,", $bin_nr))));
for($i=1; $i<count($bin_nr); $i++) $base=$base*2;
foreach($bin_nr as $key=>$bin_nr_bit) {
if($bin_nr_bit==1) {
if($bin_nr_bit==0) $base=$base/2;
return(array("string"=>chr($dec_nr), "int"=>$dec_nr));
[#9] martin at punix dot de [2003-05-29 22:47:23]
## calculate binary with "shift-method" ##
function dec2bin($decimal_code){
return $calculated_bin;
## example ##
[bin] 123 = [dec] 1111011
123/2 = 61,5 => 1
61/2 = 30,5 => 1
30/2 = 15 => 0
15/2 = 7,5 => 1
7/2 = 3,5 => 1
3/2 = 1,5 => 1
1/2 = 0,5 => 1
(0/2 = 0 finish)