我试图根据同一个表上的联接从行中删除重复的值,但无法删除映射到表2 中同一列的 table1 中的一列中的一个值。
表: 注意:不限于表中只有一个日期,可以有多个具有多个siddate | sid | comp | disc ----------------------- 23 june | 1 | az | 20 23 june | 1 | ph | 22 23 june | 1 | mg | 10 23 june | 2 | mg | 8 23 june | 3 | ph | 15 23 june | 3 | az | 11 ------------------------
select t1.*, t2.comp as comp1, t2.disc as disc1 from table as t1 left join table as t2 on t1.date = t2.date and t1.sid = t2.sid and t1.comp <> t2.comp
Output from above query: date | sid | comp | disc | comp1 | disc1 ------------------------------------------- 23 june | 1 | az | 20 | ph | 22 23 june | 1 | az | 20 | mg | 10 23 june | 1 | ph | 22 | az | 20 23 june | 1 | ph | 20 | mg | 10 23 june | 1 | mg | 10 | mg | 10 23 june | 2 | mg | 10 | null | null 23 june | 3 | ph | 10 | az | 11 23 june | 3 | az | 11 | ph | 10
预期结果:(这里我尝试获取 comp 和 comp1 的组合,其中对于每个 sid 和日期,仅与 mg 映射的不同 comp 值,如果 sid 仅具有 mg 或非 mg 值,则 comp1 中为 null) 注意:comp 映射到 comp1 时不会出现重复行
date | sid | comp | disc | comp1 | disc1 ------------------------------------------- 23 june | 1 | az | 20 | mg | 10 23 june | 1 | ph | 20 | mg | 10 23 june | 2 | mg | 10 | null | null 23 june | 3 | ph | 10 | null | null 23 june | 3 | az | 11 | null | null
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