这是处理滚动高度的 html 代码和 js 代码
// Get all collapsible buttons const collapsibles = document.getElementsByClassName('collapsible'); // Add click event listener for each collapsible for (let i = 0; i < collapsibles.length; i++) { collapsibles[i].addEventListener('click', function() { this.classList.toggle('active'); const content = this.nextElementSibling; if (content.style.maxHeight) { content.style.maxHeight = null; } else { content.style.maxHeight = content.scrollHeight + 'px'; } // Get all nested collapsible buttons within this collapsible const nestedCollapsibles = content.getElementsByClassName('nested-collapsible'); // Loop through nested collapsibles and expand or collapse them accordingly for (let j = 0; j < nestedCollapsibles.length; j++) { const nestedContent = nestedCollapsibles[j].nextElementSibling; if (this.classList.contains('active')) { if (!nestedContent.style.maxHeight) { nestedContent.style.maxHeight = nestedContent.scrollHeight + 'px'; content.style.maxHeight = (parseInt(content.style.maxHeight) + nestedContent.scrollHeight) + 'px'; // Add nested collapsible's scroll height to parent collapsible's scroll height } else { nestedContent.style.maxHeight = null; content.style.maxHeight = (parseInt(content.style.maxHeight) - nestedContent.scrollHeight) + 'px'; // Subtract nested collapsible's scroll height from parent collapsible's scroll height } } } }); }
.active { color:blue; }
<div id="HotLikeMiami"> <div class="HLM"> <div class="HLMRow"> <div class="HLMTitle"> <h1 class="sub-title">Fantastic League</h1> </div> <div class="HLMImg"> <img src="fantasticLeague.png"> </div> <div class="HLMDetails"> <p>A 2D Top Down Shooter game which heavily focuses on Enemy AI. I have made an attempt to build this project from ground up. I have used SFML for rendering shapes and textures, the rest is made from scratch. The project involves the integration of complex enemy AI. A simple Data-Oriented Design approach has been followed in this project for handling different events and messages by the enemies. </p> </div> <div class="MyContibution"> <button class="collapsible">My Contribution</button> <div class="ContributionContent"> <p>Got a lot of contribution</p> <button class="collapsible nested-collapsible">My Contribution</button> <div class="ContributionContent"> <p>1. This process involves the development and integration of states like Game Menu, Splash Screen, InGame, Game Over etc states. These states are fetched with delta time which is calculated from the Game Loop. 2. This stage also includes the development of Asset Manager, Input Manager etc</p> </div> <button class="collapsible nested-collapsible">My Contribution</button> <div class="ContributionContent"> <p>1. This process involves the development and integration of states like Game Menu, Splash Screen, InGame, Game Over etc states. These states are fetched with delta time which is calculated from the Game Loop. 2. This stage also includes the development of Asset Manager, Input Manager etc</p> </div> <button class="collapsible nested-collapsible">My Contribution</button> <div class="ContributionContent"> <p>1. This process involves the development and integration of states like Game Menu, Splash Screen, InGame, Game Over etc states. These states are fetched with delta time which is calculated from the Game Loop. 2. This stage also includes the development of Asset Manager, Input Manager etc</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>``` </kbd>
我希望所有嵌套都是独立的,并且每当展开时它们都会增加父级可见性的高度 这里最后一个嵌套被剪掉:
。 p>我在每个
,因此我们必须使用双请求动画帧(Double RAF)才能首先设置高度,然后过渡到0px关闭时。这是一种在渲染发生后执行任务的(hacky)技术。请参阅有关 Double RAF 的此帖子。
作为结束语。 W3Schools 有很多很好的例子,但众所周知它们已经过时了。寻找示例时,请了解他们的年龄以及他们是否使用最新的做法。