Horror Beat Phase Maker
- 1 R.E.P.O.保存文件位置:在哪里以及如何保护它?
- 2 如何在<🎜>中使用觉醒的心
- 3 M3 iPad Air不是我想要的升级
- 4 当前只读状态的前4个解决方案是
- 5 王国来:拯救2-饥饿与绝望的探索演练
- 6 如何解锁<🎜>中的Sylus
- 7 WSLRegisterDistribution失败,错误0x80004005:修复指南
- 8 大盗窃自动V增强了保存文件位置,路线图
- 9 NYT连接答案和提示 - 2025年3月7日解决方案#635
- 10 如何修复Windows中“工作更新”的更新?
- 11 小说:完整的成就/奖杯指南
- 12 如何修复“ gameplatformservices.dll不是为在Windows上运行的dll或在Windows中包含错误”?
- 13 分裂小说:如何达到第三个霓虹复仇的故事
- 14 小说:在哪里可以找到每个长凳
- 15 Suikoden 1&2 HD Remaster:如何解锁传送魔术
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如果你了解HTML,CSS和JavaScript,您已经拥有所需的工具开发Android应用程序。本动手本书展示了如何使用这些开源web标准设计和建造,可适应任何Android设备的应用程序 - 无需使用Java。您将学习如何创建一个在您选择的平台的Android友好的网络应用程序,然后转换与自由PhoneGap框架到一个原生的Android应用程序。了解为什么设备无关的移动应用是未来的潮流,并开始构建应用程序,提供更大的灵活性和更广阔的范围。
If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop Android applications. This hands-on book shows you how to use these open source web standards to design and build apps that can be adapted for any Android device -- without having to use Java. You'll learn how to create an Android-friendly web app on the platform of your choice, and then convert it to a native Android app with the free PhoneGap framework. Discover why device-agnostic mobile apps are the wave of the future, and start building apps that offer greater flexibility and a broader reach.
Jonathan Stark
Jonathan Stark is a mobile and web application consultant who has been called "an expert on publishing desktop data to the web" by the Wall Street Journal. He has written two books on web application programming, is a tech editor for both php|architect and Advisor magazines, and has been quoted in the media on internet and mobile lifestyle trends. Jonathan began his programming career more than 20 years ago on a Tandy TRS-80 and still thinks Zork was a sweet game.