Note that 32-bit machines have a 2038 problem, so the age range of 32-bit servers is 1970~2038
We can also use DateTime to avoid this problem (this has nothing to do with 32-bit and 64-bit)
Copy code The code is as follows:
* 我的日历
* date_default_timezone_set date mktime
* @param int $year
* @param int $month
* @param string $timezone
* @author fc_lamp
* @blog: fc-lamp.blog.163.com
function myCalender($year = '', $month = '', $timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai')
date_default_timezone_set ( $timezone );
$year = abs ( intval ( $year ) );
$month = abs ( intval ( $month ) );
if (is32())
if ($year < 1970 or $year >= 2038)
$year = date ( 'Y' );
} else
if ($year <= 0)
$year = date ( 'Y' );
if ($month <= 0 or $month > 12)
$month = date ( 'm' );
$pretYear = $year - 1;
$mpYear = $year;
$preMonth = $month - 1;
if ($preMonth <= 0)
$preMonth = 1;
$mpYear = $pretYear;
$nextYear = $year + 1;
$mnYear = $year;
$nextMonth = $month + 1;
if ($nextMonth > 12)
$nextMonth = 1;
$mnYear = $nextYear;
$html = <<
上一年 |
上一月 |
回到今天 |
下一月 |
下一年 |
{$year}年{$month}月 |
星期一 | 星期二 | 星期三 | 星期四 | 星期五 | 星期六 | 星期天 | HTML;
$currentDay = date ( 'Y-m-j' );
//当月最后一天 $lastday = date ( 'j', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $nextMonth, 0, $year ) );
//循环输出天数 $day = 1; $line = ''; while ( $day <= $lastday ) { $cday = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day;
//当前星期几 $nowWeek = date ( 'N', mktime ( 0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year ) );
if ($day == 1) { $line = ''; $line .= str_repeat ( ' | ', $nowWeek - 1 ); }
if ($cday == $currentDay) { $style = 'style="color:red;"'; } else { $style = ''; }
$line .= "$day | ";
//一周结束 if ($nowWeek == 7) { $line .= ' '; $html .= $line; $line = ''; }
//End of the month if ($day == $lastday) { if ($nowWeek != 7) { $line .= str_repeat ( ' | ', 7 - $nowWeek ); } $line .= ' '; $html .= $line;
break; }
$day ++; }
$html .= << |
return $html;
* Check if it is a 32-bit machine
* @author fc_lamp
* @blog: fc-lamp.blog.163.com
function is32()
$is32 = False;
if (strtotime ( '2039-10-10' ) === False)
$is32 = True;
return $is32;
Use the DateTime class to solve the 2038 problem, so that there is no distinction between 32-bit and 64-bit. The code is as follows:
Copy code The code is as follows:
* My calendar (DateTime version)
* date_default_timezone_set date mktime
* @param int $year
* @param int $month
* @param string $timezone
* @author fc_lamp
* @blog: fc-lamp.blog.163.com
function myCalender($year = '', $month = '', $timezone = 'Asia/Shanghai')
date_default_timezone_set ( $timezone );
$year = abs ( intval ( $year ) );
$month = abs ( intval ( $month ) );
$nowDate = new DateTime();
if ($year <= 0)
$year = $nowDate->format( 'Y' );
if ($month <= 0 or $month > 12)
$month = $nowDate->format('m' );
$pretYear = $year - 1;
$mpYear = $year;
$preMonth = $month - 1;
if ($preMonth <= 0)
$preMonth = 1;
$mpYear = $pretYear;
$nextYear = $year + 1;
$mnYear = $year;
$nextMonth = $month + 1;
if ($nextMonth > 12)
$nextMonth = 1;
$mnYear = $nextYear;
$html = <<
上一年 |
上一月 |
回到今天 |
下一月 |
下一年 |
{$year}年{$month}月 |
星期一 | 星期二 | 星期三 | 星期四 | 星期五 | 星期六 | 星期天 | HTML;
$currentDay = $nowDate->format('Y-m-j' );
//当月最后一天 $creatDate = new DateTime("$year-$nextMonth-0"); $lastday = $creatDate->format('j'); $creatDate = NULL;
//循环输出天数 $day = 1; $line = ''; while ( $day <= $lastday ) { $cday = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day;
//当前星期几 $creatDate = new DateTime("$year-$month-$day"); $nowWeek = $creatDate->format('N'); $creatDate = NULL;
if ($day == 1) { $line = ''; $line .= str_repeat ( ' | ', $nowWeek - 1 ); }
if ($cday == $currentDay) { $style = 'style="color:red;"'; } else { $style = ''; }
$line .= "$day | ";
//一周结束 if ($nowWeek == 7) { $line .= ' '; $html .= $line; $line = ''; }
//End of the month if ($day == $lastday) { if ($nowWeek != 7) { $line .= str_repeat ( ' | ', 7 - $nowWeek ); } $line .= ' '; $html .= $line;
break; }
$day ++; }
$html .= << |
return $html;
http://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/621670.htmlwww.bkjia.comtruehttp: //www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/621670.htmlTechArticleNote that 32-bit machines have a 2038 problem, so we can still use 32-bit servers in the age range of 1970~2038 DateTime to avoid this problem (so it has nothing to do with 32-bit and 64-bit) Copy the code like...