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- Building a Smarter Botnet Simulation: The Ultimate Cybersecurity Playground
- Introduction:NavigatingtheCybersecurityLandscapeThe2016Miraibotnetattack,cripplingmajoronlineservices,highlightedthevulnerabilityofeverydaydevices.Thisunderscoresthecriticalneedforpracticalcybersecuritytraining.Thisguideprovidesahands-onexplorationof
- Python Tutorial 737 2025-01-14 16:09:55
- How to make your first $ as a drepress programer.
- Heyeveryone,Insafhere.I'mnotaprogrammer,butI'maninnovator!Mygoalistolearnmyfirstprogramminglanguageandcreatemyfirstsoftwareproductorapp.HowwillImakemoney?Inshallah!Here'smyplantoearnmyfirstdollar:StartSimple:Forbeginners,it'scrucialtobeginwithsomethi
- Python Tutorial 464 2025-01-14 14:10:44
- Vyper - Write your First Smart Contract (Series)
- Theblockchainlandscapeisevolving,drivingdeveloperstowardssecure,straightforward,andauditablecode.Vyperemergesasasignificantadvancementinthistrend.ButwhatexactlyisVyper,andwhyisitsoimpactful?Vyper,asdefinedinitsdocumentation,isaPythonic,contract-orien
- Python Tutorial 363 2025-01-14 14:09:42
- Extract structured data using Pythons advanced techniques
- In the data-driven era, extracting structured data from multiple sources such as web pages, APIs, and databases has become a critical foundation for data analysis, machine learning, and business decision-making. Python's rich library and strong community support have made it the leading language for data extraction tasks. This article details how to extract structured data efficiently and accurately using advanced Python techniques, and briefly touches on the supporting role of 98IP Proxy in the data crawling process. I. Data crawling
- Python Tutorial 587 2025-01-14 12:25:43
- Python FastAPI quickstart in uv
- Use uv to quickly build a FastAPI application. The following steps demonstrate how to use uv tools to quickly create a simple FastAPI application containing GET and POST requests: Initialize the project: uvinituvaddfastapi--extrastandard Create the project directory and files: Create a folder named /app, and Add two files, and Write FastAPI code ( Copy the following code into the file: fromtypingimportUnionfrompydanticimportBaseModelfromfa
- Python Tutorial 523 2025-01-14 12:12:43
- Building a BLE Real-Time macOS Menu Bar App
- Thistutorialdemonstratesbuildingareal-timemacOSmenubarapplicationusingaBleuIOUSBBLEdongletodisplayenvironmentaldata.BleuIOsimplifiesBLE(BluetoothLowEnergy)development,makingitidealforcreatinginnovativeprojects.macOSmenubarappsofferadiscreetwaytomonit
- Python Tutorial 750 2025-01-14 10:27:43
- FastHTML and Heroku
- FastHTML:ASwiftPathtoWebAppDevelopmentwithPythonDevelopingnewapplicationsoftenrequiresmasteringnumeroustoolsandframeworks.ForPythondevelopers,venturingintoHTML,CSS,andJavaScriptcanbeasignificanthurdle.Conversely,webdevelopersmayfindPythonbackendtools
- Python Tutorial 591 2025-01-14 10:22:46
- Build an AI code review assistant with vev, litellm and Agenta
- Thistutorialdemonstratesbuildingaproduction-readyAIpullrequestreviewerusingLLMOpsbestpractices.Thefinalapplication,accessiblehere,acceptsapublicPRURLandreturnsanAI-generatedreview.ApplicationOverviewThistutorialcovers:CodeDevelopment:RetrievingPRdiff
- Python Tutorial 1085 2025-01-14 09:33:44
- Wrap and Render Multiline Text on Images Using Pythons Pillow Library
- Python image processing: Pillow library implements automatic line-wrapping text annotation. With its rich open source libraries, Python has become a leading programming language in the field of image processing. Pillow is one of the commonly used image processing libraries. It is simple, easy to use and has complete documentation. It is often used for operations such as image scaling, cropping, brightness adjustment and annotation. However, Pillow has a problem with text annotation: when the text exceeds the width of the text box, it will not wrap automatically. The Pillow library itself does not provide this function, and we need to write the logic implementation ourselves. This tutorial will demonstrate how to use the Pillow library to add a word-wrap text box in Python to achieve correct image text annotation. The final effect is as follows: The picture above is
- Python Tutorial 888 2025-01-14 08:59:15
- GraphDB for CMDB
- GraphDBvs.RDB:ASpine-LeafArchitectureSearchSpeedComparisonThisstudybenchmarksthesearchspeedofGraphDB(Neo4j)andRDB(PostgreSQL)whenqueryingdatarepresentingaspine-leafnetworkarchitecture.TheresultsrevealthatGraphDBoutperformsRDBfordatasetswithnumerousno
- Python Tutorial 239 2025-01-14 08:45:45
- Exporting Mac OSX Book Highlights into an Obsidian Vault or Markdown Files
- Readwiseisapowerfultool,butitsfullpotentialisunlockedforuserswhoextensivelyannotateacrossmultipleplatforms.MyprimaryusecasewasimportingebookhighlightsandnotesintoObsidian.WhileIalsoannotatewebpages,theObsidianWebClipper,coupledwiththeOrionbrowser(all
- Python Tutorial 534 2025-01-14 08:22:43
- Docker Hands-on: Learn Dockerfile, Container, Port Forwarding with Sample Flask Project
- ThistutorialdemonstratesbuildinganddeployingasimpleFlaskapplicationusingDocker.We'llcovercreatingaDockerfile,buildingtheimage,runningacontainer,andevenpushingtheimagetoDockerHub.ForthoseunfamiliarwithDockerfundamentals,checkoutthispreviouspost:Docker
- Python Tutorial 516 2025-01-14 07:36:44
- Must-Know Python Open Source Projects for 5
- Thisyear'stopPythonopen-sourceprojectsofferincredibleopportunitiesfordevelopersofalllevels.Whetheryou'refocusedonAI,webdevelopment,orcommand-lineenhancements,theseprojectswillboostyourskillsandstreamlineyourworkflow.FastAPI:RapidAPIDevelopmentFastAPI
- Python Tutorial 1095 2025-01-14 07:24:45
- Fine-Tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) with .NET Core, Python, and Azure
- Table of Contents Introduction Why fine-tune large language models? Solution Overview Environment Setup Train and fine-tune using Python Integrate fine-tuned model in .NET Core Deploy to Azure Best Practices Conclusion Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) have received widespread attention for their ability to understand and generate human-like text. However, many organizations have unique, domain-specific data sets and vocabularies that may not be fully captured by generic models. Fine-tuning enables developers to adapt these large models to specific environments or industries, thereby increasing accuracy and relevance. This article explores how to fine-tune an LLM using Python, and then integrate and deploy the resulting model into a .NETCoreC# application,
- Python Tutorial 1055 2025-01-14 07:11:42
- Understanding Lists in Python
- Detailed explanation of Python lists In Python, lists are a widely used and commonly used data structure. They are ordered sequences capable of storing elements of different data types, including integers, floating point numbers, strings, and even other lists. This flexibility, coupled with its intuitive structure, makes it a cornerstone of Python programming. Key attribute definitions and syntax for lists Lists are defined using square brackets [] and elements are separated by commas. Example: my_list=[1,2,3,4,5] A heterogeneous element list can store elements of different data types. Example: mixed_list=[42,"hello",3.14,True] Indexing and slicing lists support indexing (accessing specific elements
- Python Tutorial 850 2025-01-13 22:46:44