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- Error Handling in Python: Best Practices. Explore how to handle exceptions effectively
- Summary: Program errors are unrecoverable; when a program encounters an error, it will exit or crash immediately. Good programmers ensure that their code or software can gracefully handle errors/exceptions that may arise during the use of the software without crashing or producing undesirable results. Imagine writing software for a financial institution that only accepts numeric input, if the user enters letters instead of numbers for arithmetic operations, this will usually throw an error and the software will crash because of a single user, if there isn't any mechanism in place to handle the error words. This is definitely not a good thing - it's bad for business, can lead to frustrated customers, and someone could lose their job due to incompetence. In this article, we will learn how to best handle user interaction in your code
- Python Tutorial 892 2025-01-12 22:09:43
- Text to speech (book to audiobook)
- Everwishedyoucouldenjoyyourfavoritebookswithoutsacrificingpreciousreadingtime?Manyofusfacethisdilemma.Wehavebookswewanttoread,butlifegetsintheway.Hereareafewcommonchallenges:Listeningtoaudiobooksisaconvenientalternativeforbusyschedules.Readingoftenre
- Python Tutorial 291 2025-01-12 20:10:42
- VaultGuard
- VaultGuard: Your secure password manager VaultGuard is a secure password management application, developed in Python, running locally on your computer for optimal protection of your data. Key features: Strengthened security: Encryption
- Python Tutorial 325 2025-01-12 20:09:45
- Earn with igits
- WeeklyChallenge303:PythonandPerlSolutionsMohammadS.Anwar'sWeeklyChallengeprovidesaregularcodingexercise.Mysolutions,presentedbelow,areinitiallycraftedinPythonandthenadaptedtoPerl.Thisdualapproachenhancescodingproficiency.Challenge303:SolutionsTask1:G
- Python Tutorial 946 2025-01-12 18:12:43
- What is the Architecture of Django?
- Myfirstencounterwiththisquestionwasn'tduringmyDjangolearningphase,butduringapost-learninginternshipinterview.Iunfortunatelycouldn'tansweritthen,butIcannow.EveryDjangoprojectisbuiltupontheMVTarchitecture.MVTstandsforModel,Template,View.Thesethreecompo
- Python Tutorial 700 2025-01-12 16:20:43
- Intro to Data Analysis using PySpark
- ThistutorialdemonstratesPySparkfunctionalityusingaWorldPopulationdataset.PreliminarySetupFirst,ensurePythonisinstalled.Checkyourterminalusing:python--versionIfnotinstalled,downloadPythonfromtheofficialwebsite,selectingtheappropriateversionforyouroper
- Python Tutorial 1026 2025-01-12 12:14:43
- Leetcode Blind 75
- Lite version of LeetCodeBlind75 question bank I compiled this LeetCodeBlind75 question bank because the version I found on other platforms is not on LeetCode (for unknown reasons!). Therefore, all the questions in this list are on the LeetCode platform. Note: Some questions are paid content. If you find free versions of these questions on other platforms, please share them in the comment area, thank you! If you have enough time, please visit my warehouse: Blind-75 The sum of two numbers in an array The best time to buy and sell a stock Existence of duplicate elements The product of the array except itself Maximum suborder and maximum product subarray Minimum in the rotated sorted array Value Search Rotate Sorted Array Sum of Three Numbers Container Two that Holds the Most Water
- Python Tutorial 678 2025-01-12 12:11:43
- Static sites FTW
- Foryears,I'velongedtoreturntobloggingonmyownpersonalwebsite,breakingfreefromtherelianceonthird-partyplatforms.Afewdaysago,Ifinallytooktheplunge.Twomajorhurdleshadalwaysstoodinmyway:hostingandframeworkselection.IpreviouslyusedWordPress,butmyPHPexperie
- Python Tutorial 1008 2025-01-12 12:10:43
- Install PyTorch and JupyterLab on Ubuntu
- Let'sgetyousetupwithPyTorchandJupyterLabonUbuntu!Thisguideprovidesastreamlinedapproachtoinstallingandconfiguringeverythingyouneed.First,ensureyourUbuntusystemisup-to-date:sudoaptupdate&&sudoapt-yupgradeCheckyourPythonversion.Notetheversionnum
- Python Tutorial 472 2025-01-12 12:09:43
- Building an NBA Data Lake with AWS: A Comprehensive Guide
- Buildingacloud-nativedatalakeforNBAanalyticsusingAWSisnowsimplerthanever,thankstoAWS'scomprehensivesuiteofservices.ThisguidedemonstratescreatinganNBAdatalakeusingAmazonS3,AWSGlue,andAmazonAthena,automatingthesetupwithaPythonscriptforefficientdatastor
- Python Tutorial 634 2025-01-12 08:31:42
- Python Sucks at For Loops – And That's Exactly Why We Love It
- Python, the elegant cat of the programming language world: independent, sophisticated, and doesn't seem to need you until it really does. This quality is most vividly reflected in its for loop, which can make you feel like both a genius and an idiot in an instant. Python's for loop is not bad, but it is too good at pretending to know better than you. The Zen of Python: "Do less, fool" The for loop in most programming languages is intuitive. Want to count to 10? No problem, give you a bunch of boilerplate code to make you feel smart. Writing method in C language: for(inti=0;i
- Python Tutorial 669 2025-01-12 08:07:41
- This Small Python Script Improved Understanding of Low-Level Programming
- OriginallypublishedinLevelUpCodingonMedium.Python'seaseofuseoftenmaskstheunderlyingcomplexities.Manydevelopersbecomecomfortablewithcommonlibrariesandpatterns,leadingtoaplateauinlearning.However,advancedtopicslikeconcurrencyandlow-levelprogrammingoffe
- Python Tutorial 608 2025-01-12 06:40:42
- Building an Async E-Commerce Web Scraper with Pydantic, Crawl & Gemini
- Inshort:Thisguidedemonstratesbuildingane-commercescraperusingcrawl4ai'sAI-poweredextractionandPydanticdatamodels.Thescraperasynchronouslyretrievesbothproductlistings(names,prices)anddetailedproductinformation(specifications,reviews).Accessthecomplete
- Python Tutorial 417 2025-01-12 06:25:42
- Must-Know Tech Stacks
- 12 popular technology stacks worth learning in 2025 and a guide to making money quickly. In 2025, technology is developing rapidly, and choosing the right technology stack is crucial. This article will introduce 12 technology stacks that will attract much attention in 2025, and come with an AI Notion template guide to make money quickly. Whether you are a web developer, mobile application developer or expert in the AI/blockchain field, you can find a direction that suits you. 1. MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) The MERN stack is the perfect solution for full-stack web development. It allows you to build the front-end and back-end of your website using JavaScript, thereby simplifying the development process and improving the efficiency of your application. Can
- Python Tutorial 521 2025-01-11 22:09:44
- Top Python Open Source Projects Not to Be Missed in 5
- Python continues to maintain its dominance as one of the most popular programming languages in 2025, with a thriving ecosystem of open source projects catering to developers of all skill levels. From data science and machine learning to web development and automation, these projects showcase the language's versatility. Let’s take a deep dive into some of the top Python open source projects you definitely shouldn’t miss this year. Yes, we'll throw in some memes to keep it interesting. ?FastAPI If you are using Python to build APIs, FastAPI is still a game-changing tool. Known for its lightning speed, type hint support, and automatic interactive API documentation, it is ideal for developers who value speed and friendliness.
- Python Tutorial 549 2025-01-11 20:13:46