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- What software is Notepad PLus 32-bit?
- Notepad PLus 32-bit is a text editor that is very small in size but very efficient. It is used under the Microsoft Windows environment and is completely free. This software has built-in highlight display that supports up to twenty-seven syntaxes, including not only various common source codes, but also scripts. It can well support .nfo file viewing.
- notepad 4867 2019-08-21 16:40:02
- What should I do if notepad++ does not have the plus plug-in?
- This means that the downloaded version of notepad++ does not support the plus plug-in. You can download the latest version of notepad++, Notepad++ 7.7 64-bit (installation version) and later versions, all with plug-in managers. Notepad++ version 7.42 also comes with a plug-in manager.
- notepad 3918 2019-08-21 16:39:45
- How to quickly comment code with notepad++
- notepad++ has shortcut keys for adding/cancel comments. The shortcut key to add/cancel single-line comments is [Ctr+Q]. The shortcut keys to add/cancel multi-line comments are [Ctrl+K]/[Ctrl+Shift+K]. The shortcut key to add/cancel block comments is [Ctrl+Shift+Q]/none.
- notepad 10500 2019-08-21 16:39:27
- How to change notepad++ theme
- Click [Settings] - [Language Format Settings] in the menu bar of notepad++; enter the language format setting window and change [Select Theme].
- notepad 5480 2019-08-21 16:39:11
- How to change font color in notepad++
- Click [Settings]-[Language Format Settings] in the notepad++ menu bar to enter the language format setting interface. In [Color Style], set [Foreground Color] to the font color you want to use, check [Use Global Foreground Color], and click [Save and Close] button, the setting is completed.
- notepad 12225 2019-08-22 14:16:07
- How to change the font size in notepad
- The two icons like magnifying glasses in the notepad++ toolbar can modify the font size. Notepad also supports the use of shortcut keys to modify the font size. The key combination to enlarge the font is [Ctrl+mouse wheel scroll up]; the key combination to reduce the font is [Ctrl+mouse wheel scroll down].
- notepad 4200 2019-08-21 16:38:32
- How to format sql statement in notepad++
- How to format sql statements in notepad++: first click the [Plug-in] option in the menu bar; then click the [Poor Man's T-Sql Formatter] and [Format T-SQL Code] options in sequence.
- notepad 26616 2020-10-21 11:45:23
- How to convert notepad to hexadecimal
- notepad++ itself does not have hexadecimal function, you need to download and install the HEX-Editor plug-in. When using it, click [Plug-in]-[HEX-Editor]-[View in HEX] to see how the hexadecimal file will look like.
- notepad 11638 2019-08-21 16:37:42
- How to make notepad++ font bold
- Click [Settings] - [Language Format Settings] in the notepad++ menu bar; enter the language format setting interface, you can see that there is a [Bold] in [Font Style], check [Bold] and [Use Global Bold Style] ], click the [Save and Close] button, and the font is bolded.
- notepad 6376 2019-08-21 16:36:11
- How to deal with symbols not being automatically completed in notepad++
- Symbols in notepad++ are not automatically completed, possibly because settings have not been made; click notepad++ [Settings] - [Preferences]; enter the preferences interface, select the [Autocomplete] tab, check [Automatic Input], or set the requirements Completion symbol. Symbol non-auto-completion has been resolved.
- notepad 4583 2019-08-21 16:35:55
- How to wrap a line by separator in Notepad++
- Notepad++ uses the shortcut key [Ctrl + f] to open the search, click [Replace] to enter the interface, check [Regular Expression], [Search Target] fill in the delimiter, [Replace] fill in "\r" for line break, click [All Replace] button.
- notepad 12087 2019-08-21 16:35:42
- How to add notepad++ language
- Click [Language] - [Customized Language] in the notepad++ menu bar; enter the custom language interface, click [Import] to select the downloaded language xml, click Open (OK), restart notepad++, click [Language] to see what you just saw The imported language, now the notepad++ language has been added.
- notepad 5011 2019-08-21 16:35:11
- How to add the same character before each line in notepad++
- notepad++ can use column mode and column editing. First select the row where the same character needs to be added, then use the [Alt+C] shortcut key to open the column block editing dialog box, and fill in the character to be added in [Insert Text]. In column mode, use [Alt+left mouse button] to select the place you want to add, and then add it directly.
- notepad 11783 2019-08-21 16:34:52
- How to display spaces in notepad
- Click [View] in the notepad++ menu bar; select [Show Symbols] in the pop-up drop-down menu, and select [Show Spaces and Tabs] in the next-level menu that pops up. You can see that notepad++ displays spaces and tabs. the content of the symbol.
- notepad 9675 2019-08-21 16:34:29
- Can the notepad++ plug-in compile code?
- Can. Notepad++'s NppExec plug-in can realize the function of directly compiling code; however, after downloading and installing the NppExec plug-in, some configurations must be performed before the code can be compiled.
- notepad 4015 2019-08-21 16:34:09