Accumulated settlement effect of shopping cart items
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<title>vue购物车商品累加结算代码 </title>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="js/eleme-ui/index.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ShoppingCart.css" />
<div class="row " id="myVue" v-cloak>
<div class="col-lg-10 col-lg-offset-1" >
<div class="layui-form">
<table class="ShopCartTable layui-table">
<th class="selectLeft">
<el-checkbox @change="checkedAllBtn(checkedAll)" v-model="checkedAll">全选</el-checkbox>
<span class="selectLeftGoods">商品或服务名称</span>
<tr v-for="(tabledatas,index) in shopTableDatas">
<td class="selectLeft">
<el-checkbox @change="checkedRadioBtn(tabledatas)" v-model="tabledatas.checked"></el-checkbox>
<span class="goodName">
<img class="goodImg" :src="tabledatas.src" />
<span class="goodName goodsName">
<h2 class="goodname" v-text=""></h2>
<p class="goodGary">
<span v-text="tabledatas.supplier"></span>
<p class="goodGary">
<span v-text="tabledatas.ConPlace"></span>
<td class="danPrice">{{tabledatas.price | moneyFiler}}</td>
<i @click="goodNum(tabledatas,-1)" class="fa deleteBtn" aria-hidden="true">-</i>
<input v-model="tabledatas.num" type="text" class="form-control numInput" aria-label="...">
<i @click="goodNum(tabledatas,1)" class="fa addBtn" aria-hidden="true"> </i>
<p class="totalPrice">{{tabledatas.price*tabledatas.num | moneyFiler}}</p>
<td class="gongneng">
<p class="deletegoods" @click="alertRadio(index)">删除</p>
<p @click="alertmovesSavegoods(index)">移到我的收藏</p>
<template v-if="tabledatas.saveandremove">
<p @click="tabledatas.saveandremove = false">加入收藏</p>
<template v-else>
<p :class="{'saveCheck':!tabledatas.saveandremove}" @click="tabledatas.saveandremove = true">取消收藏</p>
<div class="row tablefooter">
<el-checkbox style="padding-left:16px" @change="checkedAllBtn(checkedAll)" v-model="checkedAll">全选</el-checkbox>
<span class="removeMuch" @click="alertMuch">删除选中的商品或服务</span>
<span class="removeSaves" @click="alertMuchgoods">移到我的收藏</span>
<span class="servicenum">已选择<span class="goodsNum">{{goodsNum}}</span>件商品<span class="goodsNum">{{serviceNum}}</span>项服务</span>
<span class="totalclassPoin">总价:<span class="totalMoneyClass">{{totalMoney | moneyFiler}}</span></span>
<span @click="saveData" class="SettlementBtn">去结算</span>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/vue/vue.min.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/eleme-ui/index.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/ShoppingCart.js" ></script>
<div style="text-align:center;margin:50px 0; font:normal 14px/24px 'MicroSoft YaHei';">
This is a j shopping cart product cumulative settlement effect. Friends who need it can directly download and use it. More special effect codes can be found on the PHP Chinese website.
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