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Sina Weibo release page code

Sina Weibo release page code

Sina Weibo release page code

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//Determine the length of the input string
var content_len = $("#content").text().replace(/\s/g,"").length;

$(".tips").text("Already entered" content_len "words");

// alert(content);
return false;




// function confirm(){

// var r= new FileReader();
// f=$(".select_Img").files[0];
// r.readAsDataURL(f);
// r.onload=function(e) {
// $(".preview").src=this.result;

// };
// }

//Click the button to send content

// var myDate = new Date();

// var min = myDate.getMinutes();

// var time = min-(min-1);

// //alert(time);

var content=$("#content").html();

//Determine whether the selected image format is
var imgPath = $(".imgPath").text();
var start = imgPath.lastIndexOf(".");
var postfix = imgPath.substring(start,imgPath.length).toUpperCase();


alert("The picture format must be png, gif, jpeg, jpg format");
$(".item_msg").append("<div class='col-sm-12 col-xs-12 message' > <img src='img/icon.png' class='col-sm- 2 col-xs-2' style='border-radius: 50%'><div class='col-sm-10 col-xs-10'><span style='font-weight: bold; ''>Jack.C</span> <br><small class='date' style='color:#999'>Just now</small><div class='msg_content'>" content "<img class='mypic' onerror='this.src='img/bg_1.jpg' src='file:///" imgPath "' ></div></div>< /div>");
$(".item_msg").append("<div class='col-sm-12 col-xs-12 message' > <img src='img/icon.png' class='col-sm- 2 col-xs-2' style='border-radius: 50%'><div class='col-sm-10 col-xs-10'><span style='font-weight: bold; ''>Jack.C</span> <br><small class='date' style='color:#999'>Just now</small><div class='msg_content'>" content "</div></div></div>");


//Add emoticon package 1
for (var i = 1; i < 60; i ) {

$(".emoji_1").append("<img src='img/f" i ".png' style='width:35px;height:35px' >");
//Add emoticon package 2
for (var i = 1; i < 61; i ) {

$(".emoji_2").append("<img src='img/h" i ".png' style='width:35px;height:35px' >");



//Click on a blank space to hide the popup layer
$(document).click(function (e) {

if (!$("#edit_form").is(e.target) && $("#edit_form").has(e.target).length === 0) {



//Add emoticons to the input box
$(".myEmoji img").each(function(){
var url = $(this)[0].src;

$('#content').append("<img src='" url "' style='width:25px;height:25px' >");


//Zoom in or out preview image
var oWidth=$(this).width(); //Get the actual width of the image
var oHeight=$(this).height(); //Get the actual height of the picture

$(this).height(oHeight 200/oWidth*oHeight);




<div style="text-align:center;margin:50px 0; font:normal 14px/24px 'MicroSoft YaHei';">

This is a release page code for Sina Weibo. Friends who need it can download it directly. More special effect codes can be found on the PHP Chinese website.


All resources on this site are contributed by netizens or reprinted by major download sites. Please check the integrity of the software yourself! All resources on this site are for learning reference only. Please do not use them for commercial purposes. Otherwise, you will be responsible for all consequences! If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it. Contact information: admin@php.cn

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