Home PHP Libraries Other libraries PHP library for dependency injection containers
PHP library for dependency injection containers
namespace Auryn;
class CachingReflector implements Reflector
    const CACHE_KEY_CLASSES = 'auryn.refls.classes.';
    const CACHE_KEY_CTORS = 'auryn.refls.ctors.';
    const CACHE_KEY_CTOR_PARAMS = 'auryn.refls.ctor-params.';
    const CACHE_KEY_FUNCS = 'auryn.refls.funcs.';
    const CACHE_KEY_METHODS = 'auryn.refls.methods.';
    private $reflector;
    private $cache;
    public function __construct(Reflector $reflector = null, ReflectionCache $cache = null)
        $this->reflector = $reflector ?: new StandardReflector;
        $this->cache = $cache ?: new ReflectionCacheArray;
    public function getClass($class)
        $cacheKey = self::CACHE_KEY_CLASSES . strtolower($class);
        if (!$reflectionClass = $this->cache->fetch($cacheKey)) {
            $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($class);
            $this->cache->store($cacheKey, $reflectionClass);
        return $reflectionClass;

Our idea is that when the application uses a Foo class, it will create the Foo class and call the methods of the Foo class. If this method requires a Bar class, it will create the Bar class and call the Bar class methods. This method requires a Bim class, it will create the Bim class, and then do other work. The idea of ​​using dependency injection is that the application uses the Foo class, the Foo class needs the Bar class, and the Bar class needs the Bim class, then first create the Bim class, then create the Bar class and inject Bim, then create the Foo class, and inject the Bar class , then call the Foo method, Foo calls the Bar method, and then does other work. This is the Inversion of Control pattern. Control of dependencies is reversed to the beginning of the call chain. This way you have complete control over dependencies and control the behavior of your program by adjusting different injected objects. For example, the Foo class uses memcache, and you can use redis instead without modifying the Foo class code.

The idea behind using a dependency injection container is that if the application needs to get the Foo class, it gets the Foo class from the container, the container creates the Bim class, then creates the Bar class and injects Bim, then creates the Foo class, and injects it into the Bim class. Bar injection, the application calls the Foo method, Foo calls the Bar method, and then does other work. In short, the container is responsible for instantiation, injecting dependencies, processing dependencies, etc.


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