Since the advent of jQuery, it has impressed the hearts of all those who pay attention to it because of its speed, simplicity, and ability to easily process HTML documents, control events, add animation and Ajax effects to pages, etc.
I have always used the manuals of version 1.1 and 1.2 at the same time. The reason why I refused to give up version 1.1 is because it is very convenient to look up functions. If you know the functions, you can quickly find out their specific usage. In version 1.2, the function is checked based on function. First determine what function is to be implemented, and then look at which functions can be used. The two have different focuses. I personally think that version 1.2 is very suitable for novices who can check the function usage based on the effect, while version 1.1 is more suitable for friends who have a certain foundation. If they suddenly forget how to use this function, they can just check it by name. , by effect? Some functions are really difficult to determine which effect they belong to! Unfortunately, version 1.2 does not have a manual for searching functions by name, so I made this. There are two search methods for your convenience.
jQuery 1.3 is out, so update to the latest.
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